Special Events
Hunter Sight-in Days
- Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit Classes
- Women on Target
- Friends of NRA Banquet
- Boy Scouts Training
Regular Events
Sponsored Events
Hunter Sight-in Days
On the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday prior to each of the three big-game seasons, the Association hosts sight-ins for the general public.
Members are available to assist hunters with the activity and the Association also provides targets and hearing protection. The sight-in is held in the rifle house (range) where firearm supports and benches are available. A fee of $10 per gun is charged to defray costs.
A wild-game luncheon is available to those participating for a $5 donation.
Dates are posted on the Calendar page.

Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit Classes
Gunnison Sportsmen’s Association offers a one day, 8 hr class to Gunnison County residents. The course fulfills training requirements for issue of a Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit by the Gunnison County Sheriff’s Office.
The class covers firearms safety, Colorado law, handgun and accessory selection, gun handling and marksmanship, and includes 100 rounds of live fire practice under supervision of a NRA certified pistol instructor.
Cost of the class is $100. Students are responsible for providing an appropriate center fire handgun with holster and 100 rounds of ammunition. Students who successfully complete the class will be awarded a certificate which they present to the Gunnison County Sheriff’s office. The Sheriff’s Office will collect a fee and process the completed application which requires finger printing and criminal background check.
Classes are limited to 8 students and are given semi-monthly as needed. Email for further information.
Recommended Personal Defense and Concealed Carry Books:
- “Principles of Personal Defense” by Jeff Cooper
- “In the Gravest Extreme”, by Massad Ayoob
- “The Concealed Carry Survival Guide”, by Bill Murphy
- “Hidden in Plain Sight”, by Trey Bloodworth and Mike Raley
Women on Target
Women on Target is designed to create more hunting and shooting opportunities for women. There are currently about two million American women who hunt and an additional four million who enjoy target shooting. These numbers are steadily increasing.
Fulfilling its mission to “create opportunities, encourage, educate, and mentor women’s responsible participation in the recreational shooting and hunting sports,” Women on Target is helping women learn shooting and hunting skills in a safe and supportive women-only atmosphere!

Friends of NRA Banquet
Friends of NRA is an exciting grassroots fund-raising program that fosters community involvement, raises money and gives 100% of the net proceeds to qualified local, state and national programs. Thanks to dedicated individuals across America, Friends of NRA is making a difference. Working with NRA’s Field Staff, thousands of volunteers nationwide are participating in the program by organizing committees and planning events in their communities.
All net proceeds benefit The NRA Foundation, with half allocated to fund projects within the state where the money was raised. The NRA Foundation uses the other half to fund similar projects with a national scope. Friends of NRA committee volunteers are appointed to a State Fund Committee and make recommendations for local grant funding. To date, The NRA Foundation has funded more than 15,000 state fund grants for a total of $100 million, including but not limited to: youth firearms safety and education programs; hunter education; range development and improvement; support materials for training classes; women’s safety classes; and wildlife conservation efforts.
The Gunnison FNRA Banquet Committee banquets made it possible for over $30,000 to be returned to the Gunnison community for training and training facilities during the last 4 years. These funds have gone toward guns and ammunition, training sessions, trap machine and clay birds, safety equipment, skeet machines and instructional facilities to further firearm safety and use in the local community.

Steel Challenge
Steel Challenge is an exciting and challenging family sport of “speed steel.” Steel Challenge shooting offers a port of entry to the shooting sports that is far less intimidating than practical shooting. Steel Challenge provides an excellent starting place for young or beginning shooters.
A Steel Challenge Match consists of two separate events. The “main event” is for center fire pistols and revolvers. The “rimfire event” for 22lr pistols, revolvers and rifles. Shooters 10 years of age or older may compete in the “rimfire event”, shooters 12 years or older may compete in either the “main” or “rimfire” events. In addition to the equipment specific divisions, shooters between the ages of 10-18 will also be eligible for recognition in the “junior” or “pre-teen” divisions.
Once a shooter has chosen an event to compete in, they will be divided into an “equipment specific” division. Once the shooter has chosen an event and equipment division, he or she will fire as many as 8 different courses of fire called stages. A Steel Challenge stage is made up of five steel plates. The steel plates are differing sizes and placed at various distances and angles to create a variety of challenges. The shooter assumes his or her position in a designated shooting box and, upon the beep of the shot timer, draw their pistol and shoot each plate with the fifth being a stop plate. Rimfire and junior competitors fire from a “low ready” start position, drawing from a holster is not allowed.
Shooters shoot each stage five times with the slowest time dropped. The stage score would be the combined time of the best four runs and that time added to the combined times of the other stages for a final match score. Each event is scored separately with scores broken down by equipment specific divisions; special recognition will be given to high overall women, junior, pre-teen, law enforcement, & senior competitors.
Steel Challenge matches are held the 3rd Sunday of each month, April thru October, weather permitting.
Gunnison Sportsmen’s Association SCSA Club #117. For more info, visit Contact: Harlan Hudson 970-784-6023 for more information.
Bullseye Pistol Meets
Bulls-Eye pistol shooting is shooting for accuracy. In Bulls-Eye shooting, a shooter shoots at a target with scoring rings ranging from a “X” ring which is the smallest, up to a “4” ring, the largest. A shooter will shoot 90 rounds per match, 10 points per shot, for a possible of 900 points. A match consists of 3 different types of shooting.
Slow Fire 50yds
20 rounds 10 minute time period
Timed Fire 25yds
20 rounds (5 rounds each, (4) 20 sec time periods)
Rapid Fire 25yds
20 rounds (5 rounds each, (4) 10 sec time periods)
National Match Course
10 rounds slow fire 50yds, 10 rounds timed fire 25yds, and 10 rounds rapid fire 25yds
Most new shooters start out with just a .22 caliber pistol.
A 2700 match is when a shooter uses a .22 caliber pistol, a center fire pistol, (.32, .38, or.45 caliber), and a .45 caliber pistol.
Gunnison is the host for the Colorado State Bulls-Eye Pistol Championship, among various other matches throughout the year.
Gunnison Bulls-Eye shooters, shoot every Friday night at 7:00pm, year round.
For more information contact: Steve Bathje at 641-1851 or Don Simillion at 641-0618.

IPSC shooting is one of the most exciting shooting disciplines in the world. IPSC stands for “International Practical Shooting Confederation”, and though some 20 odd nations participate, it was originated in the USA as a means to perfect defensive pistol shooting techniques.
Its mission is to promote safe, fair and fun participation in Practical shooting competition, for members of all ages and skill levels, through effective leadership, education, communication and administration.
Its popularity spread rapidly and the US shooters alone number almost 20,000 shooters.
IPSC has become a fast paced, adrenaline producing, competitive sport in which contestants are presented with a course of fire, many times including realistic props and moving targets which challenge a shooters ability to think and shoot accurately against the clock.
It’s a sport for all ages and genders.
The Gunnison group, “High Country Practical Shooters” usually shoot on the 4th Sunday of each month (March through October weather permitting) at 10:00 A.M. Gunnison also hosts the Colorado State Championship.
All are welcome to come and shoot with us.
For info about Practical shooting refer to and for HCPS club info contact Nate Melby .
Click on the videos to the right to see scenes from the 2009 Colorado State Championship Match. Note: you may need to click the play buttons several times to play.
Three-gun Matches
USPSA Multi-Gun, often called 3-Gun, are high paced practical shooting events where each of the stages require the competitor to use and transition between a combination of rifle, handgun, and/or shotgun. Multi-Gun has a lot in common with ordinary IPSC/USPSA matches, and matches generally have courses of fire where the shooter must move through different stages and engage targets in a variety of different positions. We hold Multi-Gun matches the first Sunday of every month throughout the spring, summer, and fall. We are always excited to meet new shooters and get them involved safely in the fun, fast paced world of action shooting. Set up begins at 7:30 a.m. and shooting starts at 10:00 a.m. (set up help is not required but is appreciated). It is $20 for nonmembers and $15 for members. Contact David McElyea with questions or for more information at: 303 870-8438 or by email

Pee Wee Gun Club
Gunnison Sportsmen’s Association sponsors this program that is administered by members and volunteers to the Association. The Instructors are NRA certified.
The program’s mission is to teach youths of 8 to 21 years firearm safety and shooting accuracy in a fun environment. Firearms are .22 caliber bolt-action rifles and all classes are held in the indoor range.
All equipment, ammunition and supplies are provided to the participants for a one-time $1 fee plus a nominal daily charge for ammunition.
The program has been under way since the early 1950’s with an annual class size of 30-35 students — although the daily class size averages between 4 and 6 students each evening.
Contact: Lance Ruggera Send Email